The Socks of Schöffel
Sunday morning at 6AM and I am up. Sounds like your worst nightmare or your usual routine, depending on your temperament. I am an early bird so it’s the latter, but waking up this early to roam the streets of Central London is a new one for me. I was determined to see what London is like to shoot content in. I typically reserve my brand collabs for the countryside, but there’s no denying that I am a city dweller now. I have to find a way to build a bridge between my two lives - the current one and the future one. Besides, I knew many other content creators would not do something similar to me.
7:15AM and I am on the tube. I am buzzing, because my carriage is dead and I’ll arrive by 8AM. Hardly anyone will be around and I will smash it on the shoot. I have my thermos of hot coffee, my trusty journal for the company and my tripod…where’s my tripod? I forgot my tripod!
Two stops down in my journey and I have forgotten the most important thing I will need! The horror and shame of being so stupid. I hop off as soon as I can and begrudgingly make my return home. On the way home, I realised I had also forgotten my rings and red lipstick. My super efficient journey to the tube was contrasted with a sweaty hike all the way home. But I made a deal with myself, we weren’t going to get upset. Because the point isn’t supposed to be upset, this is for fun. I feel incredibly privileged to have the luxury of getting up early to shoot content for a brand collaboration. I rounded up all the things I needed, gave myself a thoroughly uplifting pep-talk and made my way back to the station.
An hour or so later, I was back in action! What was amazing is how kind everyone was and when I mean everyone, I’m talking about fellow content creators, the security teams at the locations and the general public. Every person I encountered was so kind and accommodating. They all wanted you to succeed.
I started at Annabel’s Mayfair, a private club and a very popular area to photograph, due to their impressive decorations. Once I set up and took a couple of test shots, the classic happened.
A van parked right in front of the building, but the gentlemen were so kind and apologetic. Explaining that they would hurry and then park across the road as soon as they could. Even the staff at Annabel’s were apologising and reassuring us that we would be free of them soon. I couldn't help but laugh, I mean, they were doing their jobs, we were the mental ones hanging around. When I say we, there were a couple of people also waiting to take photos. By the time I had hit New Bond St for Cartier, there were influencers in abundance. There were even famous ones that I follow and adore. Each of us had our own little set-up. Some had their mum or partner taking their photos. Some came in matching outfits to capture cute reels. It was busy, but again what a wonderful community of people. Everybody waited patiently for their turn and encouraged each other. It wasn’t a competitive free-for-all, which I actually find more common with tourists or Facebook mums.
At Cartier and spotted one of my favourite influencers setting up her shot.
My last stop was Covent Garden. By that time, the crowds had already emerged and it was getting busier. Time to shoot for Schoffel Country. Can we talk about the socks now and how cute they are?! I adore them all, but I think the doggos are leading the front as my favourite. And how cosy please?! It’s such an understated piece of clothing, where you can really have fun with colours and patterns. This year, I have started to expand the countrywear socks in my wardrobe. The details are always important in an outfit.
So here I am, in Covent Garden and the queue behind me to shoot on Santa’s sleigh is massive. The young family right behind me are so wonderful though and again, I am lucky with my interactions. They watch me, with true joy as I set up for my shots. The mum even starts helping me with the framing. It turns out she’s a professional photographer with a home studio! In the end, I am being directed by her and her husband to get the right framing and I think the photos turned out pretty darn well! It was so much fun this whole experience, the rollercoaster of it all! It was probably one of my more challenging shoots, but I am so beyond happy with the results.
The socks are a great stocking filler/secret Santa idea, in my humble opinion. We all need them and it’s a nice way to bulk up the gift pile if you’re struggling for inspiration on what to buy someone. There are male sets as well. At the time of this post, Schoffel had a 3 for £20 offer on and it’s great value for money. From a reputable brand as well, so you can’t go wrong. Not all your gifts have to be large and extravagant. Some of the best presents I have been given are the ones I don’t usually go out and buy for myself. Treat your family or friends to a simple luxury.
This blog post featured items that were gifted to me, but the opinions on them are my own.
Link to Ladieswear socks here: